Being a curious person I am so keen to know the sex of the baby, despite opting not to find out.

It’s like when you’re birthday’s coming around and you know there are surprises in store and however much you don’t want to know deep down what they are, you pester whoever is in the know to at least give you clues.

So anyway, now as time goes on I am so excited to know if it’s a boy or a girl and playing guessing games is somewhat futile. I might be convinced I am having a girl but it’s based on absolutely nothing. And last night I dreamt I was having a boy so my instinct is no use.

In light of this the other day I started doing some research on the internet into all the things people say can tell you if you’re having a boy or a girl. I was just curious. And being the superstitious kind, I was totally ready to buy into it.

The problem is that according to old wives tales I am having a bit of both. A mixture baby. Politically correctly termed a hermaphrodite.

The baby’s heartbeat is like a girls; above 140 beats per minute. But I am carrying like I’m having a boy; all out front as opposed to generally rounded.

I’m carrying low and am craving salty foods as If it’s a boy. But I did have some morning sickness and I am also craving sweet foods suggesting it’s a girl.

I have cold feet, a sign it’s a boy. But I had cold feet beforehand so does that count? And despite my skin being soft as if it’s a girl I wouldn’t say I was more moody now which is another sign of a female presence. I wouldn’t say it at least.

Some of them I haven’t tried yet. Like eating a clove of garlic and seeing if my breath smells afterwards. Seriously. Or working out which direction my pillow faces when I’m sleeping.

And there are some which I don’t really feel the need to print here for the sake of my integrity but suffice to say they are all providing mixed signals.

The only one left to try is the old dangling the wedding ring through a piece of string above the stomach one and seeing if it moves in circular motions or from side to side, so I’ll keep you posted.

But if these old wives tales are to be believed I am beginning to get worried.