No, I'm not going to tell you that straight away, am I? Otherwise you won't read the rest of my exciting blog. Now, before I say anything else I'd just like to say, in the most measured, self-contained way I know... WOOOOOOUND! They took ALEX away - the whole point of watching the show. RAGE! I'm so cross about it I decided to stop bathing and stink for a week. I might even take Mikey up on some of his Health and Hygiene lessons just to register my disapproval. Mind you, it means it's the second time I guessed correctly who's going. This time it's going to be...
No, I'm still not going to say just yet. Jonty's been moving a little bit away from his Luke fixation a bit the more he's learning (a) about his Toryism and (b)about how he appears to be agreeing with one person and then another. I've had to move away from Alex because she's gone (boooooo) and her replacement is Stuart, who's... who's... well, he's Stuart.
This has caused an event rarely witnessed in my friendship with Jonty: we're both backing the same candidate! I think the person now trying to give us the most interesting show in there by mixing it up as much as she can is Sylvia. Jonty's favourite is the same person but for a rather shallower reason: he fancies her. Well, Superficiality IS his middle name!
However, Jonty and I have both agreed that our joint favourite is also the person to be booted out on Friday. He and I shall probably get HAMMERED together on Irish cider to drown our sorrows (particularly as Seany from Jonty's series is temporarily living with us)when we hear the famous command: THIS IS BIG BROTHER. YOU ARE LIVE ON CHANNEL 4 - PLEASE DO NOT SWEAR. The best to you all, my friends - Munkitty Tunkitty.