At 24 weeks things are really beginning to change.

I have noticed over the past few days that my feet seem a lot further away and even the simple task of putting my shoes on is proving more and more difficult. It’s very easy to put my bag on the floor but picking it up again is more problematic. And whilst sitting on a chair is definitely preferable to standing up, getting up again sees me looking like a grandma and taking about as long.

Plus this hot weather hasn’t helped. Despite doing very little with my day the heat and the bump combine to exhaust me like I have run 20 miles.

I don’t want to moan. I do moan but I don’t want to. Because however much this has turned overnight into something of a challenge I know it’s only going to get more uncomfortable and more exhausting as the weeks move on. So I guess I feel I need to pace my moaning so I still get some sympathy in ten weeks.

And however uncomfortable I am, my sister — who by some weird twist of wonderful fate is expecting twins a matter of weeks before me — is undoubtedly feeling it worse.

So I’ll plod on for now carrying my ever growing bump with me. But if anyone fancies carrying my bag for me or tying my shoe laces, feel free.