It has been quite an eventful start to the maternity leave.

Within 24 hours of leaving work to begin my leisurely build-up to becoming a mother I had spent a day entertaining my gorgeous little nephew and acquired two amazing nieces after my sister gave birth to her twins.

So the weekend has been spent getting to know the new additions to the family which has just made me so excited to meet my little bundle. And my husband has been amazing with the girls which fills me with huge confidence for when we have our baby.

Then last night we made a little last minute trip to the hospital of our own. I have always had a lazy baby that doesn't move very much but I hadn't felt my bubs move at all the whole day so we decided to get it checked out.

I was put on the monitor for the standard 20 minutes and thankfully all seemed ok.

But given that I am not 36 weeks, the midwife had a feel of my stomach to see where the baby was lying. If breech at this stage (bum down instead of head down)then it's the cesarean route. And lo and behold the midwife felt the baby and thought it was breech so I had a scan.

Two doctors, a midwife and a very old scanner later they came to the conclusion that my baby is infact lying the right way (head down and ready to make it's entrance into the world) so no planned cesarean for me yet.

Better go practice those breathing exercises...