I do not usually repeat stories that have already been covered, but sometimes needs must.

Once again, and more blatantly than ever, Barnet’s Tories have shown their true colours by scrapping on-site wardens for elderly tenants living in sheltered housing.

An alleged consultation is taking place, but many like myself believe it is a forgone conclusion and that the axe will fall.

What if you were a tenant yourself or if you, your parents or grandparents were dependent on this support, either now or in the future? Many Barnet residents are appalled at this move, which would leave vulnerable older people without the on-site support they need.

Support for our elderly residents should be a priority for this borough. They should not be shoved to one side, dependant on ad hoc and charitable support. We owe them more than this. They should be getting the support they quite rightly deserve.

At a time when the Tories nationally are trying to show their softer side, Freer and his cohorts are letting us know what they are really like.

Many families rely on this support for their relatives, so why don’t the Barnet Tories care? We all need an answer to this. They should stop fobbing us off with platitudes and actually take some responsibility. They just don’t seem to comprehend the reality of life for hard-working families.

Unfortunately though, taking responsibility is not one of their strong points. Council officers appear to be dropping like flies. The leader of the council, on the other hand, sits in his ivory tower apportioning blame to all and sundry, taking no responsibility himself.

Overseeing cuts that hit our most vulnerable residents, while turning a blind eye to the Icelandic fiasco and the Aerodrome Road calamity, is not the greatest way to prove your capacity as a leader or parliamentarian.

The Tories’ finances are a shambles and they have gone from a four-star to a three-star authority — only one of two in London to have lost stars.

The appalling cuts to the warden service and the removal of the Welfare Rights Unit in the Tories’ budget simply cannot be justified.

There are times when we all have to stand up and be counted. Sadly, if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.